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Below you can find a list of our upcoming training courses, qualifications and events. You can also view any resources (including blogs, guidance and articles). You can use the filter on the left to search for a specific type or interest for example. 

Essential Fundraising Workshops

This series of Essential Fundraising Workshops were produced by the Chartered Institute in collaboration with the Small Charities Coalition and supported by the National Lottery Community Fund.

Rediscovering the value of the telephone

This pandemic has led to a huge increase in telephone fundraising, in this blog Daniel Fluskey explains why it is important you ensure you have the right procedures in place.

Why diversity has never been more important (and more achievable)

CharityJob’s Stephanie Dotto looks at what the last nine month’s of the pandemic has taught us about flexible working, and how an inclusive workplace is essential during a time of crisis.

RAISE mentoring scheme: Five tips for mentees to get the most out of the relationship

Sanpreet Janjua outlines what she got out of her experiences of being mentored on the RAISE mentoring programme and why she recommends other arts fundraisers get involved.

Faith and inclusion: Celebrating diversity of faith within fundraising

Elizabeth Balgobin, Interim Head of EDI, explains why Inter Faith Week is relevant to you and your work, and the importance of diversity within fundraising.

What our new identity means for fundraisers

As we reveal the new identity of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, Alex Xavier talks us through in this blog what chartered status means and the new support that is coming.

Gloomy winter ahead for charity sector

Lockdown worries for 55% of charities as 2020 takes its toll.

Collapse in charity provision looms

New findings from the Charity Sector Tracker published today by Pro Bono Economics, in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Fundraising and the Charity Finance Group.

Change Collective: Inclusion in the fundraising recruitment journey

Elizabeth Balgobin hosted a discussion about inclusion within fundraising recruitment, where she was joined by a panel of fundraisers. She explains more in this blog.

Women in leadership: Are you experiencing the ‘Influence Gap’?

Leadership coach Carla Miller wants to share with senior women in leadership the skills to manage upwards and master the “Influence Gap”.

Change Collective: An overview of the last year

A year after the launch of the Change Collective Strategy, Elizabeth Balgobin, Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s Interim Head of EDI, gives an update of what has been achieved over the last year.

Change Collective: New series of recruitment guides for the fundraising community

A new series of recruitment guides for the fundraising community.

'Fundraising would be more authentic if there was a diverse range of people sitting at tables'

In this blog Martha Awojobi, Organiser at #CharitySoWhite, writes about her entry to and progression in fundraising as black and queer.

Not a Toolkit: Creating the EDI Recruitment Guides

As we today launch the Change Collective Recruitment Guides, Elizabeth Balgobin explains why they were created and the process behind their creation.

Environmental change

The power of mail

In partnership with Royal Mail MarketReach, this resource explores how charities can use mail to connect with audiences to increase donations, sign-up new donors and nurture supporter relationships.

Charities call for boost to Gift Aid_

The Chartered Institute joins coalition calling on the Government to temporarily increase the level of Gift Aid that can be claimed on donations amid pandemic fundraising shortfall.

COVID-19: Public fundraising guidance

Recruitment: 'More of the same is not what fundraising needs'

There is a strength in thinking differently, says Jaz Nannar, and we need to question ourselves and each other to ensure recruitment practices reflect this.

What new research into arts and higher education fundraisers shows about their resilience

Research by Dr Marta Herrero and Dr Simone Kraemer about fundraisers pre-COVID-19 offers a reminder of just the types of competencies we can expect from them during the pandemic and beyond.