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✔ Member-only webinars from fundraising experts on topics to support your knowledge and insight
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✔ Discounts on Chartered Institute events, including Fundraising Convention
✔ Peer-to-peer networking at member-only events
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✔ Subscription to Fundraising Magazine, delivered to you monthly
✔ Full access to civilsociety.co.uk so you can read the latest news and trends from the fundraising sector
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✔ Discount on the Fundraising Series publications
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✔ Opportunities to volunteer with our national, regional and special interest groups.
The cost of an annual subscription is £127 annually, paid up front by card. If you choose to pay by direct debit, you will pay a discounted rate of £117 annually or £9.75 per month. Please note that the monthly instalment amount can change depending on the date you join. For example, the annual direct debit fee of £117 may be spread over 11 payments instead of 12.
For more information about Individual Membership, or to join us after studying one of our professional qualifications, please contact the membership hub team on 020 7150 0439 or by email membership@ciof.org.uk