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Below you can find a list of our upcoming training courses, qualifications and events. You can also view any resources (including blogs, guidance and articles). You can use the filter on the left to search for a specific type or interest for example. 

Challenges for fundraisers in 2024

The European Fundraising Association and the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, in partnership with Salesforce, have researched the current challenges faced by fundraisers. Here you can see a snapsho...

Fundraising across Europe and the development of AI

Pan European Non-profit Pulse Report 2024 reveals how fundraisers are facing greatest challenges head on

Our Chartered Fundraiser Plans – On-demand Webinar

To enable career fundraisers to stand out and be acknowledged on par with peers from other professions, the Chartered Institute of Fundraising is working towards being able to award individual fundrai...

Philanthropy is changing and we need to change with it

Philanthropy is at a crucial turning point. Throughout the pandemic we saw many passionate and committed philanthropists step up their giving so charities could keep helping those who needed support.

Fundraising Regulator Market Inquiry Report - what you need to know

Public fundraising is one of the most popular and effective methods of fundraising across the sector, and it is not unusual to see the colourful vests of fundraisers from some of the country’s most we...

Member Resource: Creating a donations acceptance and refusal policy

This guidance will look at the different steps and considerations when creating a policy and putting it into practice.

Member Resource: New research on why people donate and what stops others

Insight from a research survey will prove useful to fundraisers

My Fundraising Career - Mhairi Cameron

Mhairi Cameron, Managing Director of Bruce Tait Associates, shares how she found her way into fundraising and the rich and varied career that has followed.

Shifting the Narrative: Fundraisers are the most generous people I know

Charlotte Di Corpo is the Director of Development for Capital Theatres. Charlotte has been nominated as Fundraiser of the Year at the Chartered Institute of Fundraising's National Fundraising Awards 2...

Attracting Fresh Talent, Retaining Fundraising Stars

Chartered Institute of Fundraising Chief Executive Katie Docherty recently joined a panel of experts to discuss recruitment and retention of fundraisers.

The best sessions are interactive

In this short piece Gerald Richards, Director at B&G Partners LLP, discusses giving a masterclass session at the Scottish Fundraising Conference.

An opportunity for first time speakers

Gary Kernahan, Executive Director at Think, has spent many years volunteering for the Scottish Fundraising Conference and Awards Committee. In this blog, Gary discusses the opportunity for first time ...

Prize-led fundraising: trends and insights

Prize-led fundraising, where people donate in return for a raffle ticket, a lottery ticket or the chance to win a prize, remains a cornerstone of many charities fundraising portfolios. Through the pan...

Do you have what it takes to deliver one of fundraising’s flagship events?

Every year, a team of passionate volunteers come together to deliver the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Scotland's fundraising conference. There's an opportunity in 2024 for new people to join for...

The Importance of Annual Audience Insight Gathering

In November the Chartered Institute of Fundraising held a webinar in partnership with Salesforce, titled Innovative Approaches to Fundraising: Strategies for Success.

Facing AI Head On

Making the most of Payroll Giving

The Professional Conduct Committee, An Introduction

Lindsey Bartling, Chair of the Professional Conduct Committee, introduces the Committee and role it has.

Behavioral Science: Quick Fundraising Wins

How can fundraisers can use behavioural science to produce some quick wins?

Fundraising Success with Capital Appeal Strategies

Andy Robin, a capital appeal specialist, heads the capital appeal that is refurbishing Paisley Museum. In this article, he shares his insights about this area of fundraising based on experience from t...