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What is the Independent Review?

The Chartered Institute of Fundraising commissioned an Independent Review in 2022 to review concerns, reports and complaints of sexual harassment not being acted upon appropriately over time. The purpose of the Review, conducted by JEDI Consultancy, was to identify learnings, to review the implementation of our safeguarding Action Plan, ensuring appropriate, transparent and accessible processes are in place, and to make recommendations to further improve our strategies, trauma-informed responses, culture and safeguarding. JEDI Consultancy was also tasked with examining any new evidence or concerns that emerged following the investigations in 2021 by an HR consultancy. The findings of the Independent Review have been published here. Further information and updates are posted on this webpage.

Why has this investigation taken so long? These incidents happened several years ago.

The Independent Review was commissioned by the CIOF in March 2022, and was conducted by an independent organisation, JEDI Consultancy. The full terms of reference are set out here.

While this Review relates to historic allegations, the process has taken considerably longer than expected, with additional steps implemented to ensure that the process would be both comprehensive and robust. These steps include JEDI Consultancy widening the pool of interviewees to make sure sufficient evidence could be gathered and reviewed.

We are deeply sorry for the delay, which has prolonged the process for those who have raised concerns. We are immensely grateful to them and to everyone who contributed to this Review. The Review has now concluded and the findings have now been published along with a public apology for our past failings here.

Please note that this Independent Review follows a Learning Review of the CIOF’s complaints processes, and a two-stage investigation into specific complaints, carried out by an HR consultancy in 2021. Find out more about the background to the Independent Review here.

What are the findings of the Independent Review?

The Independent Review, conducted by JEDI Consultancy, has now been completed, with the findings, recommendations and a sincere apology from the CIOF. The Independent Review found that the CIOF failed in its responses to historical allegations of sexual harassment/assault, for which we are truly sorry. We fully accept the findings and recommendations, which are published here.

While JEDI Consultancy noted that the CIOF’s safeguarding processes and procedures have been much improved in recent years with the implementation of the CIOF’s 23-point safeguarding Action Plan, further recommendations were also identified. These include simplifying our complaint processes, clarifying how anonymous and informal complaints will be addressed, and ensuring such processes are reviewed on a regular basis.

We are deeply sorry to all those who experienced sexual harassment and assault, for our failures when such behaviour was reported and for the subsequent distress this has caused. We are immensely grateful to everyone who raised concerns and who contributed to this Review, and for their patience in enduring such a lengthy process.

Does the CIOF accept the findings?

We fully accept the findings and recommendations of the Independent Review. We are deeply sorry to those who experienced sexual harassment and assault, for our failures when such behaviour was reported, and for the subsequent distress this has caused.

Our safeguarding policies and procedures weren’t good enough, and we failed to protect and support individuals who came to us for help. We let our community down. For all this – and the time taken to conduct such an in-depth review – we are deeply sorry, particularly to those who raised their concerns with us. Their actions have enabled a safer future for fundraisers.

While we have taken many steps to improve our safeguarding processes, governance and culture since these issues were raised, we know we need to go further. Harassment and discrimination of any kind is unacceptable, and we are committed to learning from what went wrong and continuing to improve, aiming to ensure that our community is a safe space for all.

What action will you be taking next in response to the review?

We fully accept the findings and recommendations from the Independent Review. While this Review recognises that we have already implemented the 23 points outlined in our Action Plan, there is further progress to be made and we are committed to continually improving our safeguarding, which includes carrying out all the recommendations from this review.

Our Professional Conduct Committee and Head of Professional Conduct will work together to ensure all recommendations arising from the review are addressed comprehensively, and with urgency. This includes simplifying the CIOF’s complaint processes, clarifying how anonymous and informal complaints will be addressed and ensuring such processes are reviewed on a regular basis.

How can you ensure people at your events, training and membership will be safe?

We are wholly committed to ensuring that our fundraising community – be that staff, volunteers, members, attendees at events and training - are safe and that we have the most rigorous safeguarding processes in place. Our approach to safeguarding is guided by three key principles. They are:

  • Do no harm first. The Chartered Institute and the profession has to be a place where everyone is safe.
  • Believe all those who come forward. Make it safe, simple and supportive if people disclose. Make that process a fair and balanced one.
  • Listen, learn and work to share progress openly, honestly and transparently. We know that this is vital to rebuild trust and also to create systemic change.

We have now completed the steps outlined in our safeguarding Action Plan and our new Professional Conduct Committee is playing a pivotal role in guiding future change, working with our Trustees and staff to make any further improvements. While we cannot guarantee we will get everything right, our commitment to safeguarding is a priority and we will continue to listen, learn and improve. You can find out more about what actions we’ve taken to improve here.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us or make a complaint – you can raise any issues anonymously using Talk to Spot.

Can you tell me more about what has been done to improve safeguarding?

The Independent Review highlights that safeguarding at the CIOF has been much improved in recent years. While some progress dates back to 2018, considerable action has been taken since 2021 with the completion of our safeguarding Action Plan. This includes:

  • The introduction of a new and specific role to the Board of a Safeguarding and Whistleblowing Trustee;
  • Creating a new operational role, the Head of Professional Conduct, to drive forward safeguarding and support all those who raise concerns or are seeking advice on doing so;
  • Setting up a Professional Conduct Committee to advise the CIOF’s Board and staff on improving standards of professional conduct and to oversee the complaints process;
  • The introduction of six new safeguarding measures across all CIOF events and training, including updating the Code of Conduct and implementing a new Code of Behaviour; a declaration that all speakers, delegates and exhibitors must agree to;
  • Partnering with Talk to Spot – a confidential reporting tool where anyone can raise an issue, submit feedback, or register a complaint anonymously;
  • Membership of the Misconduct Disclosure Scheme, which enables organisations to systematically share misconduct data about known perpetrators between recruiting organisations and previous employers;
  • Training CIOF staff and volunteers to ensure that safeguarding processes are fully understood as a priority and are embedded across the organisation.

We will continue to listen and learn, taking on the recommendations from the Independent Review to further improve our safeguarding. You can access an update of the latest progress in our Safe Environment hub.

What is the CIOF going to do now?

We commissioned this Independent Review for the very purpose of learning from the mistakes we made in the past and ensuring we have the right systems and culture in place to safeguard our community. We can’t promise we will get everything right every step of the way, but we are wholly committed to prioritising safeguarding and delivering any further recommendations with urgency.

Our Professional Conduct Committee and Head of Professional Conduct will be working together to ensure that recommendations from the report are taken forward and addressed comprehensively, supported by the CIOF’s Trustees and staff.

What shall I do if I have a complaint or concern?

We encourage anyone with safeguarding concerns to raise them with us anonymously through our live reporting tool, Talk to Spot, and to access support and guidance. This is a confidential reporting tool, which – together with the expertise offered through our Professional Conduct Committee – ensures that those with concerns are at the heart of the process and that they are supported each step of the way. You can find out more about the three key principles that underpin our approach to safeguarding and the work we’ve carried out through our Action Plan here or how to report a complaint or concern here.

What is the Professional Conduct Committee?

The Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s Professional Conduct Committee was established to drive forward our ambition of having the highest possible standards of professional conduct within the fundraising profession across the UK. The committee has oversight of all complaints and disciplinary policies and processes relating to professional conduct. Their responsibilities include ensuring the recommendations from the Independent Review are implemented. You can find out more about the committee here.

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