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The Chartered Institute of Fundraising commissioned an Independent Review to review concerns, reports and complaints of sexual harassment not being acted upon appropriately over time by the organisation. The Independent Review will identify learnings, review the implementation of agreed actions to ensure appropriate, transparent and accessible processes are in place, and make recommendations to further improve CIOF’s strategies, trauma-informed responses, culture and safeguarding. This webpage shares the latest progress and updates about this review.

If you’d like to talk to discuss any aspect of this review or have any questions or concerns about the issues raised, please get in touch with our Head of Professional Conduct, Michele Welch at

You can also raise any issues, share feedback, or register a complaint anonymously at any time through our confidential reporting tool Talk to Spot.



Update September 2024

The Chartered Institute of Fundraising (CIOF) has released the report and findings from the Independent Review  into historical allegations of sexual harassment/assault.

The Chartered Institute fully accepts the findings and recommendations of JEDI Consultancy’s review.

Update December 2023

We have been advised by the Independent Reviewers that their findings and assessment will not be ready for publication until early 2024. We will post any further updates here. 


Update September 2023

In our last update, we explained that the Independent Reviewers had completed the main phase of the work through a wide range of interviews, reviewing as well as analysis and consideration of all the evidence. The Independent Reviewers are now going through a final stage of necessary due diligence and, while this is being done as swiftly as possible, we understand that it will still be several weeks before their findings can be published. It is very important that this appropriate independent process is completed in the correct manner and is as thorough as possible.

The Independent Reviewers will present their analysis and findings to the Working Group members and the Board of Trustees, and the findings, learnings and recommendations will then be shared with those involved, members, and published on the CIOF website. 

If you would like to raise an issue, submit feedback or register a complaint anonymously, you can do this at any time through our confidential reporting tool, Talk to Spot.

Update June 2023

The Independent Reviewers have completed the main phase of the work through a wide range of interviews, reviewing as well as analysis and consideration of all the evidence. 

They are currently working to present their analysis and findings to the Working Group and then the Board of Trustees.  Based on what we know now and progress so far, we expect we will be able to publish the findings, recommendation, and learnings of the review by the end of summer. 

If you’d like to talk to me about any aspect of our work in these areas, or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get in touch with me at any time directly at

You can also raise an issue, submit feedback, or register a complaint anonymously at any time through our confidential reporting tool Talk to Spot.


Update December 2022: Following a wide invitation from the Independent Reviewers for people to speak to them as part of the review, a number of further interviews have taken place in the last month. The Independent Reviewers have informed the Working Group that they need time to fully consider and explore the information they have received through these interviews as part of the review process. We would like to thank everyone who has spoken with the Independent Reviewers throughout and whose participation is ensuring that this review is as comprehensive as possible. You can read an update from Michele Welch, Head of Professional Conduct here.

Update September 2022: On the 15 September 2022 we hosted a member webinar focussing on the work we are doing to make the fundraising profession safe. We covered progress on events, policies, the Independent Review,and Talk to Spot, our new reporting tool and other initiatives. Members can find a recording of this webinar under Account - Member Benefits - Member Events. There is also a blog from Michele Welch, Head of Professional Conduct, sharing the changes we have made so far and further plans to create safe spaces in fundraising.

Update June 2022: Following appointment in March 2022 the Independent Reviewers have been undertaking substantial work. They have advised that there is more work involved than was originally anticipated. The Working Group agreed it was appropriate that the review takes the time necessary to ensure that it is fully comprehensive and extensive. 

Update March 2022: The Independent Reviewer has been appointed and has begun work immediately

24 November 2021

To further address the concerns of harassment, discrimination and bullying in the fundraising community and the handling of safeguarding cases within the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, the organisation is commissioning an Independent Review into the concerns, reports and complaints of sexual harassment not being acted upon appropriately over time by the organisation.

The working group consists of the Chartered Institute’s CEO, a new trustee elected in July 2021 and two volunteers who have had no connection to the investigations or related issues.

We apologise for the time it has taken to get to this stage. This is important work and there is great need for this work to be well thought through and conducted thoroughly.

The tender process is to call for expressions of interest for Independent Reviewers. These will be reviewed and then candidates will be invited to submit their tenders. The working group will shortlist candidates for interview before conducting the interviews. Once an Independent Reviewer has been selected, their Terms of Reference will be finalised, they will conduct the Independent Review and then present their findings.

The call for expressions of interest will close at 5pm on Monday 31 January 2022. Once expressions of interests are in, the invitations to tender will be open until the end of February 2022.  Following shortlisting and interviews an Independent Reviewer will be selected and asked to provide their findings in or around April 2022. These timescales may be subject to change.

If you wish to express an interest in submitting a tender to conduct the independent review, please contact our head of professional conduct at

Terms of Reference for An Independent Review on concerns, reports and complaints of sexual harassment not being acted upon appropriately by the Chartered Institute of Fundraising


The Chartered Institute of Fundraising is a membership organisation and the professional body for fundraisers in the UK. As the Chartered body for the profession, the Chartered Institute has safeguarding responsibility to its staff, volunteers, members, events and training attendees, fundraising apprentices, and the fundraising community in the UK as a whole.

Over the years, it has become apparent that the issue of sexual harassment in the fundraising community is a concern that needs addressing. Following several complaints and concerns raised to the Chartered Institute, many members of the fundraising community have expressed disappointment in the organisation’s handling of sexual harassment cases. The Chartered Institute is committed to better-addressing harassment, discrimination and abuse within the profession, starting from reviewing the organisation’s complaints processes and handling. In 2020, the organisation commissioned a HR consultancy, to conduct a Learning Review of the Chartered Institute’s complaints processes and handling of complaints related to sexual harassment. From this Learning Review, the HR consultancy provided 18 recommendations, making way for a new Action Plan that commits to three levels of activities: culture change, safeguarding, and governance of professional standards.

Purpose and Objectives

To further address the concerns of sexual harassment and the handling of safeguarding cases within the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, the organisation aims to reflect on its past failings. The Chartered Institute wishes to do this by commissioning an Independent Review into the concerns, reports and complaints of sexual harassment not being acted upon appropriately over time by the organisation.

The objectives of the Independent Review are to:


This review will be conducting the following tasks to achieve each objective:

NOTE: It will be important to consider how EDI initiatives, staff wellbeing, values and strategy development intersects with these safeguarding recommendations.


For the above tasks, the Independent Review will consider the following key questions in particular:


The Chartered Institute will give access to documents needed for the desk review. These will include but not be limited to:


The Independent Reviewer will provide a report which seeks to answer the key questions listed above by end of March 2022. The report should also provide recommendations on improvements to the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Action Plan to tackle harassment, discrimination and bullying in the fundraising community.


The Independent Reviewer will be appointed by, and accountable to, the Independent Review Working Group (see TOR in the appendix), CEO of the Chartered Institute and Trustee with lead responsibility for safeguarding. The Independent Reviewer will ultimately report to the Board.

The terms of reference will be finalised with the appointed Independent Reviewer following consultation with them.

The findings will be shared with Chartered Institute of Fundraising members and published on the website.

Expertise and Skills

Consultant(s) Expression of Interest

Proposals should include:

The due diligence process will involve consultation with two-three potential reviewers, an assessment of their relevant experience, expertise and independence with references to be taken up and checked.

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