The Roles and Responsibilities of Trustees: On-Demand 2025
LeadershipRisk and Reputation ManagementMonitoring and EvaluationGovernance and Compliance
This 5-module course will provide you, in your role of trustee, with all the information and guidance you need to recognise the principles of fundraising the range of fundraising activity, the role of fundraising in your charity, the legal and regulatory systems for fundraising and the specific responsibilities trustees have with respect to fundraising. It will also give you practical tools for gaining assurance on fundraising strategies and performance reporting.
This is an on-demand course so you can take part in it whenever suits you and your schedule. The 5 modules each begin with some preparation work that relates either to a charity for which you are a trustee, another charity of your choice or one suggested by the course presenter. You will then be able to watch some video content with the key learning for that module. In some case you may be asked to pause viewing while you consider, for example, a question posed or reflect on the impact of the learning for your charity. There will be a final piece of personal work for you to complete to conclude the module.
You may choose to work through the course in one go, in which case you should allow around 5 hours to complete the whole programme. Alternatively, you can take part on a module-by-module basis.