Future Leaders Programme (January - May 2025)

30 January - 22 May 2025
09:30AM to 05:00PM

Individual Prices


Package Type Available To Price
Individual Member Fee All Days Individual Members £1307
Non-Individual Member Fee All Days Non Individual Members £1492

Are you keen to develop your leadership skills? Do you want to be a leader, but are currently unsure as to how to lead authentically? Or are you still undecided as to whether you want to be a leader at all?

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If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions, the Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s Future Leaders Programme can help.

Session dates and times

Participants are expected to attend all five days via zoom. Each day will run from 09:30 - 17:00

  • Thursday 30th January 2025
  • Thursday 27th February 2025
  • Thursday 27th March 2025
  • Thursday 24th April 2025
  • Thursday 22nd May 2025
Who is this programme for?

This programme has been designed to meet the needs of experienced fundraisers who:

  • Have recently taken on a role with both line management and strategic responsibility.


  • Are keen to progress to a genuine management and leadership role.


  • Want to explore whether a leadership position (e.g. Head of or Director of Fundraising) is one they want to pursue.

This programme offers the unique opportunity for you to raise and answer fundamental leadership questions, develop the skills you need to take your career to the next level and build a network of peers to support you along the way.

What is the level of commitment needed?

The programme runs over five consecutive months and consists of one full day per month. Participants need to commit to attend every session for the full day. Each session will be delivered virtually, through Zoom.

What will we cover?

Each day is likely to consist of three parts:

1. Circle of Learning/Tracking Individual Development

Throughout the programme participants will be asked to consider their development objectives and reflect on progress.

2. Guest Speakers

Current Directors of Fundraising from both large and small organisations will share their insights on the role. Other guest speakers are likely to include former Directors of Fundraising who have become CEOs and recruitment consultants who specialise in hiring Directors of Fundraising.

3. Training

The following topics will be explored through the training:

Topic 1: Emotional Intelligence

  • Appreciate EI's importance
  • Learn the elements that make up EI
  • Reflect on your own EI
  • Obtain ideas for development

Topic 2: Leadership Styles and Dealing with Politics

  • Appreciate the pros/cons of different leadership styles
  • Ascertain your own preferred style(s)
  • Appreciate the impact of increasing your leadership repertoire
  • Consider the requirements and your aptitude for politics in the workplace

Topic 3: Coaching

  • Understand the concept of coaching
  • Familiarise yourself with the GROW coaching model
  • Develop supporting coaching skills
  • Experience being coached and practise coaching others

Topic 4: Influencing and Negotiation

  • Explore the ways one can influence 
  • Obtain a framework for negotiation 
  • Practice your influencing and negotiation skills

Topic 5: Strategy and the Employee Life Cycle

  • Consider different approaches to strategy
  • Obtain useful strategic frameworks
  • Reflect on the requirements for successful recruitment, induction, retention and departures


The Chartered Institute of Fundraising's live virtual training is delivered by trainers who are leading experts in their chosen discipline. Each virtual course has been especially designed to deliver a rich virtual learning experience. Your course will feature:

  • Zoom platform learning environment
  • Interactive engagement with the trainer and peers
  • Group discussions and exercises
  • Real-life case studies and examples
  • Ample Q&A opportunities throughout the sessions


The course is being delivered via the online platform zoom. To enable you to interact with your tutor and your class you will need to have access to a microphone (or access to a landline phone) and ideally have a working video link via a camera. To test compatibility with your system, you can join a test meeting via this link https://zoom.us/test

About your programme leader

Dr Mark Hughes has over 15 years' experience in running a staff development company which specialises in assisting the charitable sector. He started his career at the international consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. He then worked as Chief Executive of Rumbalara, an Aboriginal sporting and community development organisation. In addition to his executive leadership, consulting and training experience, Mark also has governance experience, having been Non-Executive Director and Chairman of Evidence to Impact, a social enterprise that promotes and delivers evidence based health interventions. In addition to his professional work, Mark is also a keen volunteer and has mentored with the charity Mowgli. Mowgli aims to promote economic stability and alleviate poverty through mentoring entrepreneurs in developing economies. Mark has a Doctorate from Oxford University, a Masters Degree in Diplomacy and Trade and continues to invest around 100 hours per year in his own professional development.

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