Diploma in Fundraising Online (Starting 30th April 2025)

Education and TrainingLeadershipStrategyRelationship BuildingSupporter Stewardship
30 April 2025 - 08 July 2026
09:30AM to 04:00PM

Individual Prices


Package Type Available To Price
Individual Member Fee All Days Individual Members £2495
Non-Individual Member Fee All Days Non Members £2655

The Diploma in Fundraising builds on your existing experience and skills to consolidate and expand your knowledge in all key aspects of fundraising.

Standard Content

The Diploma focuses on developing in-depth knowledge of fundraising practice and contains some elements of leadership and strategy. It is designed for those whose roles are concerned with developing practice, leadership, and strategic approaches in fundraising.

This qualification is equivalent to a Level 5 programme and is similar in level and assessment to the second year of a traditional full-time degree. As a guide you have a minimum of three years fundraising experience with a minimum of eighteen months in a paid position. You will also be actively engaged in a managerial or leadership role that includes fundraising. You will be employed in an organisation at present who will support you to complete the assignments for the course. 

The booking deadline for this qualification is 9 April 2025.

What are the benefits to you and your organisation?

You will become a more successful, confident and strategic fundraising manager and leader. In addition to consolidating your existing fundraising knowledge you will learn and understand how to apply proven techniques to enhance your own and your team's performance and development. These skills will enable you to manage the sustainable development and growth of your organisation's fundraising income streams.

Key dates and information

The course is delivered 100% online with a mixture of content including interactive activities (including an online student discussion forum), readings and case studies. Assessment is based on completion of four formal written assignments. The deadlines for your assignments are set in advanced to help you plan your studies.

The course consists of four modules which are broken down into weekly ‘Study Guides’ designed to help you to consolidate your knowledge. These guides are essential and have been designed to ensure you put your learning into practice. Each course module includes a Case Study which your tutor will provide feedback on, helping you prepare for each module's assignment.

The modules

Course textbook

You will need to purchase the course textbook Fundraising Management Analysis, Planning and Practice (4th Edition) by Adrian Sargeant, Jayne George Routledge, London.

The course textbook is not included in the fees.


This course starts on 30 April 2025 with set deadlines for Assignment submissions and Open Book Exam date (please see above). The qualification takes approximately one academic year to complete with 6-8 hours per week study time.

Successful online learning demands that students actively engage with their online course, their tutor and student group. From experience we have found that those students who regularly engage, by applying and testing their knowledge using the activities, resources and the student discussion forum to connect with their peers, find the course more rewarding and are better prepared to complete their Assignments.

You are required to complete four written assignments and an open book exam as the final assessment which are based on every-day work experiences and expectations. They are designed to support your development in your role and in the growth and success of fundraising in your workplace.

Meet your tutors

Dr Claire Routley
Dr Claire Routley
Dr Claire Routley is a fundraising consultant at Legacy Voice, and a tutor for the Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s qualifications. She is also a member of Rogare’s international advisory panel.
Dr Jane Hudson
Dr Jane Hudson
Dr Jane Hudson is Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Exeter Business School who has been working with, and researching into, the charity sector for the last 19 years.

You will need

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this qualification, or would like a copy of the course handbook, please contact us.
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