How to Turn Your First Job in Fundraising into a Career

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Most people have given money to charity and will have seen fundraising adverts and posters, as well as fundraisers at shopping centres, on the street, or going door to door. But not many will know what a job in fundraising is like, or the kind of career it can give you.

While being a fundraiser does centre around raising money for a good cause, careers in fundraising vary widely – from asking in person for a donation to planning strategic multi-channel campaigns, writing compelling funding applications or organising mass participation events.  

Fundraisers are also very much in demand, which means that there are always plenty of job opportunities available – working for all kinds of charitable causes, and at many different levels. In fact, because fundraising is so varied with so many skills you can learn and a multitude of roles available (many of them well paid), it provides lots of scope for personal and career development.  

So, if you’d like a career with great prospects that’s rewarding and full of achievement, here are some tips: 

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