Supporter experience project

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In July 2017 the Commission on the Donor Experience published its final reports. After many months of information gathering, meetings, discussions and analysis we were pleased to provide a multitude of inspirational ideas to improve the donor experience. The reaction from the sector and beyond was overwhelmingly positive.

Since then we at the Chartered Institute of Fundraising have been taking forward the work of the Commission, hosting the Supporter Experience Project – the next evolution of the Commission’s work.

Our goal is to help fundraisers deliver a great experience so everyone feels good about giving. Our mission is to cultivate a culture in which charities consistently deliver exemplary experiences for their donors and other supporters.

Our beliefs and principles:

We need you!

Implementing a culture change across an entire sector will take years – but the willingness and energy to make the change happen is already here. And you are an essential part of the change. We need people committed to helping change the culture of fundraising, inspiring and stimulating new ways of thinking and behaving.

In short, we need you.

You may have some great ideas or experiences you want to share. You may want to write a blog or opinion piece. You may simply want to share content produced by the Supporter Experience Project with your colleagues and networks.

The Commission, with your help, has taken the first step in changing the culture of fundraising.

Supporter experience special interest group

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