Salary Report 2023

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CharityJob has compiled this report for the Chartered Institute of Fundraising to provide insight into trends and average salaries for fundraising roles and to help charities offer competitive salaries that align with industry standards.

2022 was a difficult year for charities recruiting. This was due to a highly competitive recruitment market where there were more job vacancies in the UK than candidates available to fill them. Offering fair pay is crucial, not only to attract candidates, but also to promote diversity in the workforce.

The report is based on data from all fundraising jobs posted on CharityJob’s website in 2022 and highlights the challenges faced by charities recruiting. The UK-wide candidate-driven market, with increased job vacancies but fewer candidates, resulted in a decrease in demand for jobs. As we move further into 2023, there’s hope on the horizon as signs of increasing stability in the recruitment market are emerging.

The pandemic has changed the way charities work, with a significant increase in remote and hybrid opportunities for all jobs. In 2022, only 44% of fundraising roles were on-site, compared to 95% in 2019.

In 2022 the number of fundraising jobs increased, however, we expect this to level out as the market begins to stabilise in 2023.

Whilst average salaries for fundraising roles have increased by 4% from 2019, charities should ideally look to increase salaries in 2023 to better align with inflation and attract talent. If this just isn’t possible for you, then you should look at other things you can do to make roles more attractive, such as offering more flexibility, training opportunities and other benefits, or reducing the responsibilities attached to the role.

Offering a fair salary is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, as well as for promoting diversity, equality and inclusion in the sector. We hope this report proved a useful tool in providing insight into trends in fundraising roles and average fundraising salaries in 2022 and will help charities to make informed decisions about salaries.

To find out more about wider salary trends, and average salaries across all charity job categories, please check out CharityJob’s full salary report.

Please note that the salaries in this report are based on last year’s data. Check out the CharityJob salary checker tool for the most up-to-date information, and don’t forget to consider inflation when making salary-related decisions.

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