How to secure a Charity of the Year partnership

20 June 2024
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This is part of our collection of resources aimed at small fundraising teams, individual fundraisers and small charities. Produced by the Chartered Institute and our expert partners.

Grahame Darnell
Grahame Darnell
Managing Director, Darnell Consulting

If you're a fundraiser in a small charity and you want to secure a Charity of the Year partnership, this guide is a comprehensive look at how you can get from a blank page to securing a partnership.

The Charity of the Year guide outlines six steps for you to follow, and uses the extensive experience of the team at Darnell Consulting, to take you from 'would like to have' to 'we won the partnership'. The guide looks at everything you need to do, how you can stand out in your applications, and how to make the most of any partnerships you do win. So get started today and begin your journey to securing a Charity of the Year partnership. 

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