Organisational Membership: The Knowledge Hub and Getting Access for your Fundraisers

09 April 2025
01:00PM to 01:30PM

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New for organisational members: The Knowledge Hub. Find out about this exclusive membership benefit, which provides expert-led resources for your fundraisers.

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Find out about this exclusive membership benefit, which provides expert-led resources for your fundraisers. The on-demand resources cover AI, data, ethics and managing vulnerabilities, with more topics to come.

Find out about how your fundraisers and all staff at your charity can easily get access to The Knowledge Hub and lots more resources, guides and information that are exclusive to members, at no extra cost to your charity or to them. It's all part of your membership so let us help you make the most of it.

Paula O'Neill, Head of Membership Experience, and Fran Fox, Member Content Manager, will be able to take any questions you have and help you make the most of your organisational membership in this 20-minute refresher session.

Members Only Content