Lesley Hynes Fundraising raises over £3 million each year for small to medium sized charities and NGOs. With a combined 70 years’ fundraising experience under our belts, we are an established and successful consultancy specialising in trust and major donor fundraising, and fundraising strategy. Last year, we raised the sector 25 times what we cost.

Lesley Hynes Fundraising works exclusively with small and medium-sized charities and NGOs delivering expertise and support in helping them to sustain themselves, increase their unrestricted reserves and to grow their services, staff and operations.

Collectively the consultancy has over seventy years’ fundraising experience. Our specialism is in consistently raising multi-year unrestricted funding from charitable trusts and foundations and we have a funding application success rate of 85%. Major donor fundraising and fundraising strategy are further areas of expertise.

We are able to achieve a great deal for our clients at a fraction of the cost of employing full-time salaried fundraisers while offering flexibility in response to organisational needs and challenges. We celebrated our first decade in March 2021. These are some of the highlights: