Grahame Darnell

We are an established consultancy with a track record going back over a decade. Our website has details of the wide range of services we provide from strategy to insight and from cases for support to fundraising investment plans.

Darnell Consulting’s philosophy is to apply strategic thinking and analysis to fundraising problems and use our findings to deliver practical and actionable recommendations for clients.

We place strong emphasis on ensuring our work is clear and straightforward to implement. We help clients to push outside of their comfort zone via constructive challenge and by inspiring them with examples of success from across the sector and beyond. We don’t give out advice at arm’s length, but instead prefer to get close to our clients and act more like an extension of their team. We have extensive experience of developing fundraising strategies - either for the whole of the fundraising function or specific areas of the overall fundraising mix. We also write cases for support and can show how they have delivered for clients. We have a research and insight offer and can carry out supporter research and build prospect pipelines.

Our website has full details of services. Our work has involved both setting up new fundraising functions and helping charities to turn performance around. Our successes include setting up a new appeal which raised £750k in the first three months and delivering a new strategy which grew an international charity’s income by $14m.