How we are making Fundraising Convention safe and inclusive

We’ve introduced a series of measures to enhance the safety and inclusiveness of our events.  These impact the design, delivery and evaluation of all events.

We are fully committed to ensuring that our fundraising community – be that staff, volunteers, members, attendees at events and training - are safe and that we have the most rigorous safeguarding processes in place.  


  • A mandatory event checklist and risk assessment protocol for our event organisers to ensure that safeguarding is further enhanced in the development and delivery of all events, including Fundraising Convention
  • We have used our Code of Behaviour for Training and Events to set out appropriate standards of behaviour, unacceptable behaviours, the actions we will take on breaches of the Code and a clear process to confidentially report inappropriate behaviour
  • Clearer instructions for individuals about the available sanctions, in instances where one of our Codes has been breached so consequences are understood and committed to by all.
  • A comprehensive review of our Safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that our principles - that we believe all those who come forward, that we will make it safe, simple, and supportive if people do disclose and that the process is a fair and balanced one – are further embedded into everything we do.
  • Safeguarding training for staff and volunteers to ensure they know how to practically implement steps to keep our events safe and to implement our principles and procedures effectively.
  • Trustee with dedicated responsibility for overseeing Safeguarding and Whistleblowing – enabling direct contact via
  • A Head of Professional Conduct role, to drive forward safeguarding and support all those who raise concerns or are seeking advice 
  • A Professional Conduct Committee to advise the CIOF’s Board and staff on improving standards of professional conduct and to oversee the complaints process. 
  • The introduction of six new safeguarding measures across all CIOF events and training, including updating the Code of Conduct  
  • Partnering with Talk to Spot – a confidential reporting tool where anyone can raise an issue, submit feedback, or register a complaint anonymously; 
  • Membership of the Misconduct Disclosure Scheme, which enables organisations to systematically share misconduct data about known perpetrators between recruiting organisations and previous employers.

We know who is in the room

  • All delegates will have to agree to abide by the Code of Behaviour for Training and Events in order to be issued with a ticket to the event, including when a new attendee is substituted onto a ticket.
  • Access to the event is restricted to registered attendees, vetted volunteers and speakers, and approved suppliers.
  • Our staff and volunteers will register all attendees at the beginning of each day, checking their details against their ticket.
  • A robust process for checking and screening external speakers, including a Speaker Declaration to abide by the Code and to confirm understanding of the steps the Chartered Institute will undertake if there is any breach.  All Fundraising Convention speakers are being asked to sign the declaration ahead of the event.
  • All our volunteers have been through an application process and have agreed to our Code of Behaviour as have our regular staff.
  • Our volunteers and staff will be on hand to support delegates with any complaints and with our trustees we have developed a robust reporting system.

Expectation of our attendees

  • We share guidelines on our website and event platform as well as at the point of booking that attendees are expected to demonstrate
  • All delegates sign up to our Code of Behaviour for Training and Events upon booking
  • Our volunteers will all be given training on health and safety measures for the QEII Centre, under the guidance of venue management and our experienced volunteer manager. Please comply with any instructions that our volunteers give. Failure to comply will result in removal of responsibility for the Chartered Institute on any damage sustained to or by the individual and could result in the individual being expelled.

Safeguarding measures

The following measures will be used in all sessions and throughout the event to ensure that attendees are protected while taking part in Fundraising Convention:

  • First and foremost, abusive or inappropriate behaviour towards staff, speakers, sponsors or attendees in any session will not be tolerated and the offending person will be immediately removed from the session and potentially referred to the appropriate authorities. (See Behaviour section below for more details on this).
  • With any breakout sessions, there will be at least one staff present to support delegates and oversee that health and safety measure are maintained.


  • The Chartered Institute is committed to creating a safe environment during our events and this includes protecting attendees from others who may seek to engage in abusive or inappropriate behaviour.  We have a zero tolerance policy to abusive or inappropriate behaviour.

    The Code of Behaviour for Training and Events details the behaviours that are unacceptable and the action that will be taken if the Code is breached.

Recording & Data Management

When sharing your details with Exhibitors and other delegates through the event platform networking function, this will mean that your details are shared with them through the app but that they can contact you externally. Names are stored outside of the EEA and United Kingdom under the EU-US Privacy Shield and in compliance with the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.

Participants may be encouraged to ask questions via the live chat or Q&A function during sessions, in which their messages/questions will be visible to the rest of the attendees. 

We will have official photographers and recording staff, taking photos and recording footage to be used as promotional material for future Fundraising Conventions and other Chartered Institute branded material. By purchasing a ticket, you are agreeing to give permission for these images to be used for this purpose. If you do not wish to have your image taken or to be recorded by photographers and videographers, please make yourself known to a member of staff.

For further detail on how your information is used, how we maintain the security of your information and your rights of access to information we hold on you, please see our privacy policy.

How to report a complaint

Contact the Head of Professional Conduct  at, or you can report using SPOT (you can report anonymously should you wish to) via ,or by letter to:

The Head of Professional Conduct
Chartered Institute of Fundraising
7 – 14 Great Dover Street
London, SE1 4YR

You may also raise a concern or complaint with a Chartered Institute member of staff or one of our volunteers in attendance at Chartered Institute events or training courses.  They will refer you to the Head of Professional Conduct or register your complaint or concern on your behalf.  

All investigations regarding sexual harassment will be fully independent, and operational management of all complaints will sit with the Head of Professional Conduct.

COVID safety measures

We are aware that there is still a great necessity to keep in line with up-to-date guidelines from the government regarding COVID measures to ensure that we’re supporting delegates, speakers, volunteers and staff in the best possible way. The information below is liable to change based on advice from the government but it matches with current guidelines and with the policy of the QEII Centre:

We have the following safety measures in place: 

  • We encourage visitors to wear face coverings in the Centre if they're not exempt
  • Hand sanitiser dispensers available around the building
  • Regular cleaning of touch points by dedicated hygiene janitor
  • Our air handling units now supply 100% fresh air into our venues, with direct extraction from the building.  Our Engineering department carry out regular maintenance of our ventilation systems, replacing ventilation filters as necessary

Whilst on site, we ask you to help keep everyone safe by following these measures:

  • Please do not attend the QEII Centre if you’re experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19. We have guidelines on seeking a full refund in the event of returning a positive result on a Covid test
  • We encourage visitors to wear face coverings in the Centre if they're not exempt
  • Please remember to wash your hands regularly, and make use of the hand sanitisers provided for your use around the building (particularly at entry points)
  • Our cloakroom facilities are open where required for free storage of coats/bags. 
  • Please note that signed routes around the building may prioritise stairs rather than lifts, although lifts are available if required.