Shortlist for Charity-Business Relationship of the Year

Just a Drop and PPHE Hotel Group

Just a Drop, an international safe water charity and PPHE, a leading hotel brand, have partnered across the past year to deliver an innovative and mutually beneficial programme, raising money for Just a Drop, whilst progressing PPHE’s sustainability strategy. 

The relationship involves PPHE’s Green Housekeeping initiative, where guests who stay for more than two nights are invited to forgo room servicing. If guests accept, they receive the choice of a bottle of wine, hotel loyalty points or money off the hotel restaurant. Importantly, every time a guest does decide to opt in, a £1 donation is made to support Just a Drop. 

In the first year, this initiative has raised over £120,000 for Just a Drop, enabling the charity to reach thousands of people, transforming their lives.  

The partnership is a great example of a charity / business relationship which achieves a clear and impactful mutual benefit. 

Ambitious about Autism and Marsh McLennan

The transformative partnership exemplifies a groundbreaking partnership, which has trailblazed ‘autism confidence’ in the insurance sector, creating long lasting change for autistic young people and systemic change for employers.

The partnership addresses the shocking issue that only 29% of autistic people are in employment. Since 2021, they’ve collaborated to set the ‘gold standard’ for inclusive employment practices and developed an ‘autism confidence’ framework for others to adopt to tackle this high unemployment rate. The partnership has driven multiple mutual benefits for each organisation, allowing each to fulfil goals and grow together.

Together they’ve been able to amplify the voices of autistic young people, provide life changing job opportunities, enrich our cultures, bring fresh perspectives and enhance employee engagement through fundraising/volunteer opportunities and autism awareness training.

Ripple Effect NGO and Riverford Organic Farmers

Though operating in very different contexts, Ripple Effect NGO – working with smallholder farmers in six east-African countries – and Riverford Organic Farmers – delivering vegetable boxes across England – have always been natural allies. Even their respective origin stories are alike: both organisations were founded by West Country farmers in the 1980s, with a shared desire to see sustainable agriculture feed the world. 

Since their partnership began in 2010, Riverford have raised over £1,100,000 for Ripple Effect, and supported more than 20,000 rural farmers. 2022-23 was the biggest year in their partnership to date: generating more income, attracting more donors and reaching more farmers than ever. From ensuring food security and income diversification for families in Uganda, to beginning the process of capturing 27,000 tonnes of carbon in Ethiopia, their collaborative efforts have enabled Ripple Effect to deliver expert training, Riverford to use its commercial platform for good, and collectively achieved life-changing impact.